Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Can A Cavity Cause Referred Pain?

The hole is also known as caries or even just cavities. very common symptom of dental cavities and is the second most common disorders that affect humans after the common cold. Dental cavities symptoms should not be ignored, because tooth decay is an important cause of tooth loss in young people. Read more about tooth decay.

Causes of Dental Cavities

symptoms of cavity formation does not appear from thin air. These symptoms are the after effects of cavities are visible to us. However, to avoid them we need to understand what the factors that led to their formation.

Bacteria: Usually, bacteria are present in the mouth to convert sugar and starch digested into acids. The remains of food, bacteria, acid and saliva together joined to form a substance called plaque in the mouth. Plaque is sticky and attach themselves to the teeth, especially on grooved surfaces of molars and on the edge of the back teeth fillings. Plaque builds up in the next 20 minutes after eating, which is the best starting bacterial activity. If not regularly removed from the teeth, plaque mineralizes become tartar or calculus. In addition, as more food is consumed, more plaque was formed, conducing to tartar more, thus forming a vicious circle. Together with plaque and calculus irritate the gums and conduce to gingivitis and periodontitis. Read more about periodontal disease.

Sugar and Starch Diet: The type of carbohydrate consumed and the time and frequency of consumption is a factor associated with cavities. Sticky foods that get stuck on the surface of the tooth, so it is more dangerous than non-sticky. Snacking often increase the contact time between acid and tooth surface, which also helps the formation of cavities. Read more about dental care.

Acid: When plaque attached to the surface of the teeth, the acids in it dissolve the tooth enamel surface. If plaque is left on the tooth, these acids gradually corrodes the teeth and damage the internal structure of the tooth. Read more about dental health.

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